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Starting School (EYFS)

We know that starting school for the first time can be an anxious time for both parents and children, so we work hard to ensure that this process is as smooth and inclusive as possible.

Below you can find a copy of the booklet which is given to parents of children starting in Class 1. 

Frequently asked questions

What time do children start and finish school?

The playground is supervised from 8:40am and school starts at 8:50am. School finishes for all children at 3:30pm.

How many Reception classes does Cheriton have?

We have one class in Year R with a maximum capacity of 15 pupils. 

What are the school uniform requirements?

Please have a look at our 'Uniform' page for full details. We try hard to make the uniform as family friendly as possible.  We do not require children to wear a uniform with a logo and usually suggest that if you do want to buy the logoed items you purchase one of each, especially for photo day! Our PTA has a selection of pre-loved uniform.

How does lunchtime work?

Children can choose to bring a packed lunch from home or have a meal from our school kitchen. Currently Reception to Year 2 all receive free school meals and so we suggest that you take this option up, however the choice is yours. Our food is provided by the caterers HC3S and you can find the menus here.

The children eat in the hall altogether. School staff supervise them so that they have a familiar adult with them at all times. If a child hasn't eaten very much or we can see a pattern forming their teacher will contact you.

Do you cater for children with allergies or dietary requirements?

Yes. Please speak to the school office to find out more about how this is managed.

My child has a medical need. Can you accommodate them?

We will ask you to fill out a medical form so that we can gain a better understanding of your child's needs. We then ensure that staff working with your child understand what your child needs. For more complex health needs we will work with you to draw up a full medical health plan. If you have a specific concern or query surrounding this please contact  the school office. 

How many times a year would we get formal feedback regarding our child?

Our usual pattern is to have a formal parent's evening in Autumn and Spring and a written annual report in the Summer with the option to have a meeting after the report has been issued.

As a school we are very open and would always encourage you to raise any concerns or queries that you may have in relation to your child ASAP. 

Do you have staff who can support the children with anxiety or other worries?

At Cheriton we have a fantastic team of staff who are committed to supporting children in every aspect of school life. They support children in school but also take time to support you as a whole family. There are many ways they offer support including working with your child, offering parents advice and signposting, supporting with a food parcel, just lending a listening ear and so much more. 

What wrap around care do you offer?

Breakfast Club: 8:00am - 8:40am

After School Club: 3:30pm - 5pm