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Owl Class, Years 5 & 6


Welcome to Owl Class from Ms O'Shea and Mrs France



Summer term already - what an amazing year we have had so far!  There is a lot to look forward to, especially our residential visit to Marchants Hill in July (more information to follow).

We will continue to explore different genres of writing linked to our class novel Rooftoppers by Katherine Rundell and our new novel When the Sky Falls by Phil Earle.  We will also be using film to help us write in the passive voice and to explore themes of sustainability as we enter the second half of the term. 

In Maths, we will be further developing our understanding of arithmetic, extending to dividing fractions for Year 6, and we will be consolidating  our knowledge of properties of shape, perimeter, area & volume and statistics.  Children are encouraged to use Times Tables Rock Stars and Mathshed to support their understanding.     

In Science, through our topic, Healthy Bodies, we will be investigating food groups, finding out how nutrients and water are transported in the human body and investigating other systems within the body.   We will be planning different types of scientific enquiries to answer questions, including investigating what happens to the heart when we exercise and how muscles move the skeleton.

As historians, we will be finding out about how the experience of the Second World War affected different people living locally in Cheriton and further afield.  

Reading: Children should read every day for a minimum of 15 minutes.  Don't forget that all children LOVE to be read to.  Conversations about the books you are reading together will happen naturally during this time and this is a wonderful way to support your child's development as a reader.  Sharing a text (it doesn't have to be a story) that is a little above your child's reading level, just as you did when they were younger is a good way to help them become more adventurous readers.  We'd recommend that the choice of what to read is yours!  This quiet time together is where conversations develop and trust grows stronger - your child will know that this is a time they can talk to you, which is especially important as they transition to secondary school.

Spelling Shed – 30 mins per week (10x weekly list and 10x other practise). 

Written Homework  is sent home each week on a Friday and alternates between Maths and English-based tasks.  Homework is due on a Wednesday, although children are very welcome to bring their homework in earlier if they have completed it.

The children have their personal log-in to Timestable RockStars, and they should play for 20 minutes each week.

Class Dojo is a great way of communicating messages between home and school, and to keep you updated with what is happening in class.  Thank you for signing up.