Owl Class, Years 5 & 6
Welcome to Owl Class
Welcome back to school for a busy new year of learning. I hope you had a good Summer and are revitalised after the holidays. We have lots of exciting learning planned, including finding out about Ancient Greece and its legacy today, light and how we see in Science and learning more about Roman numerals, Place value and the 4 operations in Maths. An example of our weekly timetable is attached below.
Owl Class will have Forest School in the first half of the Autumn term - the year groups will alternate between morning and afternoon sessions each week. Forest School will start on Tuesday 10th September.
PE will take place on Wednesday afternoons and will begin on Wednesday 4th September.
Please find further information about reading at home, spellings and times table practice below.
Please contact me via Class Dojo if you have any questions and I will be very happy to help.
Reading: Children should read every day for a minimum of 15 minutes. Don't forget that all children LOVE to be read to.
Conversations about the books you are reading together will happen naturally during shared reading time and this is a wonderful way to support your child's development as a reader. Sharing a text (it doesn't have to be a story) that is a little above your child's reading level, just as you did when they were younger is a good way to help them become more adventurous readers. We'd recommend that the choice of what to read is yours! This quiet time together is also where conversations develop and trust grows stronger - your child will know that this is a time they can talk to you, which will be especially important as they transition to secondary school.
Spelling Shed – 30 mins per week
A written weekly list of words personalised to your child will be sent home on a Monday and will be tested on the following Monday in class.
The children will be given their personal log-in to Timestable RockStars, and they should play for 20 minutes each week.
Class Dojo is a great way of communicating messages between home and school. Thank you for signing up.