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The curriculum is broadly described as the planned learning experiences that the school provides its pupils.

At Cheriton Primary we  offer a curriculum which includes the national curriculum but has a key aim of developing leadership skills in all children through the Leader in Me programme.  

The National Curriculum requirements help to ensure that we deliver subject knowledge and skills at an appropriate level. These statutory requirements for each subject can be viewed below.

When planning the delivery of the curriculum we use a range of approaches to enhance the learning.

Planning overviews for Key Stage 1 and 2

As our classes in Key Stage 1 and 2 have  two year groups in them, our curriculum is planned in a two year cycle for each class. The curriculum overviews which show which units of work will be taught in each half term of the two year cycle can be viewed via these links:

 Class 2- Years 1 & 2

Class 3- Years 3 & 4

Class 4 - Years 5 & 6

For each National Curriculum subject we have written an Intent Statement which clearly sets out what knowledge and skills and attitudes all children, by the end of year 6, will have learnt in each subject. We have then identified for each subject, the key elements which will be taught during their journey through the school. We aim to deliver the requirements of the National Curriculum in its entirety  but these key elements provide a focus for their learning. Known as the Golden Threads, these elements will be taught in depth to allow deep learning to occur which builds on prior learning and will support future learning in the subject.

We want our curriculum to have real depth and relevance for the learners.

We do not want a planned curriculum which is a mile (1.6 km) wide in its breadth but which is only an inch (2.54cm) deep.

For further information about our curriculum, please contact the headteacher.

Religious Education. We follow the Hampshire Syllabus called Living Difference.

For details of how we support children with SEND to access the curriculum, please follow this link.

National Curriculum Subject Details