Concerns and Complaints
We care about what you think…
It is the aim of the Headteacher, staff and governors to make every child’s stay at Cheriton Primary School a happy and successful one. Parents are encouraged to contact the school should any problems arise to ensure that these concerns are dealt with promptly and efficiently.
The School and Governing Body promise to:
Look into your concern thoroughly and fairly
Keep you up to date with progress at each stage
Apologise if a mistake has been made by the school and give an explanation as to how it is going to be put right.
Look into the concern as a matter of urgency if your concern needs it. eg Bullying or Safeguarding
The full Complaints Procedure can be found by clicking the link below
Summary of how concerns/ complaints are dealt with in Cheriton School:
Step 1. If you have a problem or concern this should be raised promptly with the class teacher or member of staff responsible for the area or action you are concerned about.
Step 2. If the concern has not been resolved satisfactorily, parents should contact the Headteacher in person, by phone or in writing. The Headteacher will respond promptly offering a meeting or phone discussion to assist in following up the problem. Complaints by letter will be responded to by letter within 5 days.
Step 3. If it is felt that the problem has not been dealt with satisfactorily, or if the complaint is against the Headteacher, a complaint should be made to the Chair of Governors in writing, who will aim to resolve the matter through discussion with the Headteacher. The Chair of Governors can be contacted through the school office . The Chair will provide you with a written acknowledgement of your complaint within 5 school days and will provide a full response within 20 school days
Step 4. If you are not satisfied with the Chair’s response, you may write to the Governing Body through the Clerk of Governors, []. The Governing Body will convene a Governors’ Complaints Panel meeting. This will normally be within 20 school days of your complaint being received, dependent upon the availability of all concerned. You may be invited to speak to the panel and be accompanied by a friend or representative. After the meeting you will be advised of the outcome, normally within 5 school days of the meeting. For most complaints, the decision of the Governors is the last step in the procedure.
Step 5. If the complainant is still dissatisfied, they can refer the matter to the Local Education Authority for review.
Step 6. The final stage is for the complainant to appeal to the Secretary of State or to the Ombudsman.
A complainant can withdraw their complaint at any time.
Hints and Tips for complaining effectively:
Look at the summary of how complaints are dealt with (see above) and work out where in the process you are with your complaint. This will save time later as complaints need to be dealt with in accordance with the Complaints Procedure process.
Include as much detail as possible. Who said what, when, actions taken, not taken, witnesses etc. The Complaints Procedure has a proforma attached to it (Appendix 1) which will help you organise your complaint.
Where appropriate, refer to relevant Policies. Much of what happens in schools is covered by policy. Quote any discrepancies between policy and practice that relate to your complaint. This adds weight to your concern.
Complaints are dealt with more quickly through the Head Teacher and the school. Complaints that go through the Governing Body will require time for the Chair to familiarise themselves with your concern before being able to come to a conclusion and recommend any changes that may be necessary. This takes up to 20 school days.
The school's full Complaints Procedure can be found via this link