Art and Design
Curriculum Intent
Through our Art and Design curriculum, children develop their creativity and imagination. They study the work of a range of great artists, architects and designers, learning about the techniques they have used and then exploring how these can be used in new and different ways.
The topics covered in our curriculum engage, inspire and challenge pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design. Children are also taught to think critically about their own work of that of others and to edit, revise and improve their work. Through studying a diverse range of artists, architects and designers, they learn how art and design both reflect and shape our history, and contribute to the culture of our nation.
Children develop their skills in resilience, resourcefulness, team work and critical thinking. It is our intent that by the time every child leaves Cheriton Primary School, they feel as if they have found an area of the visual arts that is relevant and engaging to them personally and that they can ‘see’ themselves as an artist.
Curriculum Implementation
Cheriton Primary School follows the AccessArt Primary Art Curriculum which has been developed by experts in the field. This knowledge-rich curriculum allows pupils to learn a wide range of skills, developing understanding as well as clear progression throughout KS1 and KS2. The two year cycle is carefully planned to ensure no matter what order the children complete the units, they experience progression and development of knowledge, skills and understanding in a logical way. They build on
Children have the opportunity to develop their skills within the following art forms, across different scales, independently and collaboratively.
- Sketchbook work
- Drawing
- Painting and collage
- Printwork
- Working in 3 dimensions
Throughout the scheme of work, children will study artists, designers and craftspeople from all cultures and times learning from the way they see the world rather than simply making copies of their style. This helps to generate discussions and questioning to inform their own ideas and preferences.
After each lesson, teachers assess children’s knowledge and understanding through a range of questions that enable children to reflect and evaluate their learning. This gives children opportunities to evaluate and improve their work through teacher guidance.
Curriculum Impact
The impact of our art and design curriculum can be seen not only in our children’s sketch books but also through classroom displays and the school environment.
There are no national standards in Primary Art and Design. Therefore, at Cheriton Primary School ongoing assessment is based upon conversation to discover intention and understanding, as well as looking at outcomes of the journey and end result.
In addition, each pathway contains suggested “I Can…” statements which are used to check understanding and assess progress.
Teachers use this information to inform future lessons and units of work, ensuring children are supported and challenged appropriately. This data is analysed on a termly basis to inform and address any trends or gaps in attainment.
Children in Year R are assessed within Expressive Arts and Design and their progress is tracked termly by class teachers. Age related expectation levels are reported to parents at the end of each year.
Subject leaders measure the impact of the Art curriculum through the following methods:
- Summative assessment of pupil discussions about their learning.
- Images of the children’s practical learning.
- Interviewing the pupils about their learning (pupil voice).
- Analysis of teacher assessment data.